Dental Clinic Vs Dental Office

In general, both a dental clinic and a Dental Office provide essential oral care for people who require or want braces, wisdom teeth removal, teeth whitening and other procedures over time. Generally, however, a dental clinic may offer less extensive services than a dental office. For example, a dental clinic may have a panoramic x-ray machine that allows dentists to take one single scan of the entire mouth rather than 18 separate x-rays, which is safer for patients as it limits exposure to radiation and allows for more accurate images.

What to Expect at a Dental Office: From Routine Care to Advanced Treatment

A dental clinic also has a lower overhead than a dental office, so they can afford to charge less for their services. The downside of this is that some dental offices may be able to offer patients more comprehensive care for a similar price, as they can invest in new technologies and equipment.

Many dental professionals are familiar with the more outward aspects of dental office management, such as scheduling appointments and sending out reminders, but there is much more to it than just those activities. Dental office management is a set of skills that go beyond the clinical care of patients and allow for practice growth and financial sustainability.

When choosing a name for your dental office, it’s important to ensure that the name is available at both the federal and state levels before registering it. A quick search through trademark databases can save you a lot of headachess down the line.